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Angel Investment Matching Fund

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Angel Investment Matching Fund?

  • Angel Investment Matching Fund helps foster angel investors and angel clubs to provide financial support and minimize equity gaps for start-ups, ultimately creating a virtuous cycle in the venture ecosystem.

Operation Process of Angel Investment Matching Fund

  1. Step1
    Membership Registration
    An angel investor becomes a member of Angel Investment Support Center
  2. Step2
    Application for Co-investment
    • A registered angel investor submits on-line applications
  3. Step3
    Application Evaluation
    Angel Investment Support Center evaluates applications
    • Investor eligibility
    • Qualification of companies to be funded
    • Special relationships and other issues
  4. Step4
    Due Diligence
    KVIC evaluates applications
    • Interview an applying angel investor
    • On-site due diligence on a company
  5. Step5
    Investment Committee for Angel Investment Matching Fund
    • Presentations by applicants
    • Focus on qualification of an applicant as an investor and a mentor
    • Evaluate an authenticity of submitted materials

Requirements for Angel Investors

Requirements for Angel Investors - Composed of Type of Investor, Requirement, Investment Amount (KVIC), Min. Investment Amount (Angel)
Type of Investor Requirement Investment Amount (KVIC) Min. Investment Amount (Angel)
Angel club
  • An angel club registered with Angel Investment Support Center,
    meeting all of the following conditions:
  • A. A club fulfilling requirements specified by the fund (described below)
  • B. Having a past angel investment record
  • C. 2 or more club members should invest collectively 50 million won or more
Other requirements

  • - 10 or more members, including the president and secretary
  • - At least one member with a past record of qualified investment*
       or new share investment (100 million won or more)
  • - One or more reports on club activities per quarter (after registration)
  • - At least one case of investment of 50 million won or more each year
      (after registration)

Funding up to 2 billion won 50 million won or more (10 million won or more per investor for angel clubs)
Private Investment Association
Private Investment Association established based on Special Measures for Promotion of Venture Businesses Act, article 13, registered with SMBA
(Angel Investment Support Center registration required)

Individual Angel Investor
A registered member of Angel Investment Support Center meeting at least one of the following conditions:
  • A. A record of qualified investment* or new share investment
        (100 million won or more) in the past 2 years
  • B. Investment of at least one case of new share investment
        (20 million won or more) after Center registration
       and a record of angel investment activities** in the past 6 months
  • C. An entrepreneur *** demonstrating
       expertise in angel investment and potential as a mentor

Funding up to 200 million won 20 million won

* Qualified investment: investment of 2 cases or more, in 5 million won or more per case, and 40 million won or more in total
** Angel investment activities: participation in Angel Investment Support Center programs including Angel Academy, forums, seminars, and corporate IR.
***Former CEO of a “Venture 100 Billion Club” or a listed company, with recommendation from Korea Venture Business Association, Korea Venture Women Association, and INNOBIZ.

Requirements for a Company to Be Funded

Requirements for a Company to Be Funded - Composed of Requirements, Matching Limit
Requirements Matching Limit
Basic requirements (A&B)
  • A. A start-up (or an entity preparing for a start-up) excluding
        businesses listed in the “start-up exclusions”
        specified by Enforcement Decree of Support for Small and
        Medium Enterprise Establishment Act, article 4
  • B. Valuation (based on post-money)* of 5 billion won or less

200 million won or less per case, one additional investment allowed (total investment of 300 million or less)
Requirements for start-ups
  • A. SME established within the past 3 years, or
  • B. A start-up as specified By Support for Small and Medium Enterprise
        Establishment Act, article 2-2 with the last year`s revenues
        of 1.5 billion won or less and R&D investment of 5% or more of the
        revenue(R&D investment should be 25 million won or more
        if the last year’s revenues are less than 500 million won)

* Post-money Valuation : issue price per stock x total number of stocks (after completion of the investment)