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Angel Investment Matching Fund

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Operation Structure

Operation Structure
Capitals from KFof, Universities/Research Centers to Angel Matching Fund (managed by KVIC). Co-investment and return from Angel Matching Fund (managed by KVIC) to Start-ups. Post-management and support from Start-ups to Angel Investment Support Center. Support as Angel Investors at the Angel Investment Support Center. Investment and return to Angel Investment Support Center.

Investment Process

Investment Process
  1. Deal Sourcing
  2. Co-Investment
  3. Post-Management
  4. Exit
  1. [Angel Investment Support Center] Operates Angel Investment Mart for angel investors and candidate Start-ups (Investment support) → [Angel Investor(Club)] Deal sourcing and evaluation by an angel investor
  2. [Angel Investor(Club)] Deal sourcing and evaluation by an angel investor (Apply for Co-investment) → [Angel Investment Support Center] Application Evaluation
  3. [Angel Investment Support Center] Application Evaluation (Approval) → [KVIC] Due diligence and Invstment Committee
    • [KVIC] Due diligence and Invstment Committee (Approval) → [Angel Investor(Club)] Investment contract
    • [KVIC] Due diligence and Invstment Committee (Co-investment) → [Angel Investor(Club)] Invests in a Start-up
      1. [Angel Investor(Club)] Invests in a Start-up
      2. → [Angel Investor(Club)] Post-management(Start-up)
      3. → (Sharing info) [KVIC] Decides time and method of exit
      4. → Receive returns
      1. [Angel Investor(Club)] Invests in a Start-up
      2. → [Angel Investment Support Center] Post-management(Angel investor)
      3. → (Sharing info) [KVIC] Decides time and method of exit
      4. → Receive returns
      1. [Angel Investor(Club)] Invests in a Start-up
      2. → [KVIC] Post-management(Start-up)
      1. [Angel Investor(Club)] Decides time and method of exit
      2. → (Sharing info) [KVIC] Decides time and method of exit
      3. → Receive returns